Forex Trading, Currency Trading

The trading conditions offered by InstaForex are universal tools for money management on Forex. The priority of InstaForex international broker is rendering high-grade investment services aimed at deriving profit from operating on the worldwide financial markets. The Demo account serves an educational function; in fact its deposit consists of virtual funds, and it enables a trader to practice trading and gain professional skills without risking any real money. When trading on a demo account, both profit and loss will be virtual, whereas trading experience is remarkably similar to real-life conditions. However, you can earn on a demo account by taking part in InstaForex contests and getting real prize money to a live trading account. Each step of opening a demo account is comprehensively described in this section.
Not Using a Stop/Loss Point for every trade- This sounds like it should be a no-brainer, especially if you are using high leverage. Just because you think that the market will do something doesn't necessarily mean that it will. The market can swing very quickly in a direction and if you are on the losing side of the stick, you can quickly watch as your account gets wiped out. In some events, like trading the news, a stop/loss point can be extremely critical as a lot of trading platforms will actually slow making it hard for you to cancel trades. A stop/loss point will help you buffer some of the losses, should you be wrong.

Clocks will be advanced by 1 hour this Sunday 12 March in the US eastern time zone (EST). The FX trading day ending at 5pm NY time, Dukascopy Market opening and settlement time will be changed from 22:00 GMT to 21:00 GMT effectively this Sunday 12 March 2017.

I have worked for several companies, but I chose InstaForex. I appreciate actual information, perfectly working feedback and customer support service; the company provides possibility to work with options. The educational process is perfectly arranged. The most important fact is that the company arranges various contests, where anyone may win money, which will be deposited to the trading account. The only minus is sometimes quotes are not presented timely.

Rate Alerts allow you to be notified via Email or SMS/ Call when your desired rate is available. Enter in the currency, product and rate at which you want the alert to be triggered. Then key in your email and mobile number at which you would like to be notified when the rate of your choice is available.
Labels: currency, forex, trading

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