The currency exchange rate is the rate at which one currency can be exchanged for another. It is always quoted in pairs like the EUR/USD (the Euro and the US Dollar). Exchange rates fluctuate based on economic factors like inflation, industrial production and geopolitical events. These factors will influence whether you buy or sell a currency pair. Do these deals sound too good to be true? Unfortunately, they are, and investors need to be on guard against these scams. They may look like a new sophisticated form of investment opportunity, but in reality they are the same old trap�financial fraud in fancy garb.
Unlike domestic stock markets around the world that operate for only a few specified hours each day, Forex Currency Trading is open 24 hours a day. Since every country trades on the Forex market, it's always business hours in some part of the world and so it's open all day. The volume of trade on the Forex market is roughly a whopping $1.2 Trillion.
It's really a very special feeling when you are doing something new, something unusual, which differs a lot from what others are doing,� he says. Since you're not logged in, we have no way of getting back to you once the issue is resolved, so please provide your username or email if necessary.
With an education from the Investment Academy, you will gain valuable theoretical knowledge that you'll be able to apply when trading. Moreover, you will find out about Money Management, learn to take control of your emotions, discover how trading robots can be useful, understand how futures trading works, and much more. You can take part in our courses online from the comfort of your own home.
I just got transferred from FXCM, this app is not as good as FXCM, but I was very happy that they reopened my positions for me the way I had them. The biggest issue I have with this compared to FXCM is you cannot customize the app, there is no option for viewing 1 month charts. I am a long term trader and use the weekly and monthly charts. I suppose I can use a different chart system and then make my trades on this platform. But if I where a hourly or daily trader I can see how this would be flustrating.
With an education from the Investment Academy, you will gain valuable theoretical knowledge that you'll be able to apply when trading. Moreover, you will find out about Money Management, learn to take control of your emotions, discover how trading robots can be useful, understand how futures trading works, and much more. You can take part in our courses online from the comfort of your own home.
I just got transferred from FXCM, this app is not as good as FXCM, but I was very happy that they reopened my positions for me the way I had them. The biggest issue I have with this compared to FXCM is you cannot customize the app, there is no option for viewing 1 month charts. I am a long term trader and use the weekly and monthly charts. I suppose I can use a different chart system and then make my trades on this platform. But if I where a hourly or daily trader I can see how this would be flustrating.