Online Forex Trading Secrets

Forex is short for Foreign Exchange and refers to a decentralized market that spans the globe and is considered the most liquid worldwide. Exchange rates fluctuate continuously due to ever changing market forces of supply and demand. Forex traders buy a currency pair if they think the exchange rate will rise and sell it if they think the opposite will happen. Unlike the Stock market, the Forex market never sleeps and remains open around the world for 24 hours per day and 5 days a week. You are now ready to fund your account and start trading currencies, commodities, indices and options - all from one account. Using a traditional�stop-loss to limit�risk still involves�the risk of slippage. The forex markets are fast-moving, so�you may get filled far from the price�you wanted, with an unplanned, even devastating�loss.
A demo account is intended to familiarize you with the tools and features of our trading platforms and to facilitate the testing of trading strategies in a risk-free environment. Results achieved on the demo account are hypothetical and no representation is made that any account will or is likely to achieve actual profits or losses similar to those achieved in the demo account. Conditions in the demo account cannot always reasonably reflect all of the market conditions that may affect pricing and execution in a live trading environment.

Forex pairs are typically quoted to five decimal places. The fluctuation of the fourth decimal point (0.73700) is known as a pip (stands for percentage in points� or price interest point�). It is the movement of these pips that will determine your profit or loss.

Logging into the company's website regularly, they watched as Secure traded the dollar versus the euro. Secure's website showed that their accounts had soared in value to a total of $245,000 - a fourfold increase - in just 10 months. Can you imagine that? The multi-trillion dollar liquidity, combined with 24-hour trading access virtually guarantees your stop-loss orders will be executed without slippage.

Trade more and profit from our best prices, reaching as low as 0.2 pips. We offer competitive pricing across the spectrum, without setting false incentives. We want you to do well. This means we don't bet against you in the market, and our customer relationships are set up for the long term.
Labels: forex, online, secrets, trading

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