The foreign exchange, or forex, market is a virtual trading place where dealers buy and sell currencies. Not readjusting the stop/loss point once profit is realized- It is great when you are in profit. It is not so great to watch as your profit starts to shift back down to its original point and you wind up losing pips to the spread. Once you realize profit, readjust your stop/loss points so you can make something.
Trading is just like any other high level activity, in that it's a skill and an art and it takes a long time and a lot of practice to master. You can treat it as a hobby, and you'll be paid accordingly, or you can treat it as a business and a full time commitment, and you'll be paid accordingly as well. Think of it this way: everyone can play basketball once they know the rules, but not everyone can really play. Trading is just like any sport, amateurs lack the skill and so don't get paid anything at all, while the top professionals get paid in the millions because they're ridiculously good.
Email me free educational trading material to start trading currencies. Valid e-mail required. Currently supported platforms are: cTrader, MetaTrader 4, MetaTrader 5, fxTrade/fxTrade Practice, FXCM Trading Station and Strategy Trader. Upon completion of this course you will have a solid understanding of the Forex market and Forex trading, and you will then be ready to progress to learning real-world Forex trading strategies.
As a retail foreign exchange trader, the most important factors that affect your trading is trade execution quality, speed and spreads. The one affects the other. For five years in a row, we ranked #1 for Long-Term Investing in Barron's 2017 Online Broker Survey.
Often a bad dealer is not totally scams. They are smart persons that trick money from traders that are not well-aware. These dealers, often known as retail market makers, will often encourage their clients to trade on margin and set stop loss orders, which allow the market makers to close out trades almost at will during busy markets at prices they have set. If the market maker does not offset the trader's position, the loss generated when a stop loss is triggered becomes the market maker's gain.
As a retail foreign exchange trader, the most important factors that affect your trading is trade execution quality, speed and spreads. The one affects the other. For five years in a row, we ranked #1 for Long-Term Investing in Barron's 2017 Online Broker Survey.
Often a bad dealer is not totally scams. They are smart persons that trick money from traders that are not well-aware. These dealers, often known as retail market makers, will often encourage their clients to trade on margin and set stop loss orders, which allow the market makers to close out trades almost at will during busy markets at prices they have set. If the market maker does not offset the trader's position, the loss generated when a stop loss is triggered becomes the market maker's gain.